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"Radical Logic" (2024)

In Jonathan Lear’s book Radical Hope, he argues for flexibility in adapting to cultural breakdown. He makes a great case. But what does it require? In this short paper, I argue that it requires adaptable logics.

There are several different logics to choose from. In philosophy, we typically try to find out which one secures truth the best, or which one is correct. But what if the application, in cases like cultural breakdown, require that we use almost all of them? This would have huge ramifications for philosophy, as we live in a time when breakdowns of many kinds are becoming more frequent. Philosophy education and familiarity with logics can provide us with the adaptability we need to survive.

We tend to think of logics as theoretical. But what about their applications? Applied logic is typically only thought of with regards to informal logic. But what about other logics, like dialethism?

The artist frequently uses different logics in their art. Poetry, music, photography. These forms of art capture different logics. This is how logics are applied. We need, then, the ability to make art or have access to the arts in order to make our way through a breakdown, even if it’s something like singing.

When 9/11 occurred, which is what Jonathan Lear was referring to for things

like modern-day breakdowns, people turned to the arts to mourn, discuss, reflect, and more. As for myself, I wrote a poem which won an award at my undergraduate university.

In a breakdown, we lose many things. But we need our concepts to adapt and move. This doesn’t always happen in normal conversations.

So, what about logics? I’m going to assert that basically every logic except informal logic and dialethism are to be applied at will when a breakdown occurs. This requires exceptional prior education.

People who do not have these things would unlikely survive a breakdown. They would be unmovable, just like Sitting Bull in Radical Hope. They would be too rigid, too basic. Thus, excellent education, like what Plenty Coups in Radical Hope argued for, and, perhaps especially, philosophy and logic education, are foundational to our very survival as a species.

Who knew logic was so important?


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