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About Jennifer Lee Lawson



Jennifer Lee Lawson, MA is an American philosopher, author, and artist based in Central Florida.

In philosophy, she is the author of "Cantor's Theorem and the Problem of Infinity," "Radical Logic," "Freud, Hitler and BDSM" and "A Note on Descartes Many Years Later." She was on the Editorial Committee as Reviewer Two of an international analytic philosophy journal on philosophy of language, philosophy of logic, and metaphysics.

In fiction, Lawson is the author of "Heist," and "The Hummingbird." Lawson has written a memoir, "Songs That Remind Me Of Philosophy." 

She has Bachelor of Arts Degrees in Philosophy and Psychology from Stetson University and a Master of Arts Degree in Practical Philosophy and Applied Ethics from the University of North Florida.

Lawson has taught Introduction to Philosophy at the university level. She was a Research Assistant for the book "Reading Bernard Williams" (Ed. Daniel Callcut, Routledge) and on the Editorial Committee for Al-Mukhatabat Journal. As a graduate student, Lawson was an Editor of The Florida Student Philosophy Blog, which was featured in The Florida Philosophical Association's newsletter in 2007.

Lawson's interesting family lineage has caught the attention of many. 

Paternally, she is former nobility through William De Lancaster and an American Revolutionary War Descendant through her ancestor John Biggs

On her mother's side, Lawson's grandfather, Walter Otto Robinson, fought in World War II.

A teenage mother at the age of 15, Lawson's daughter has indigenous Choctaw ancestry. Lawson has written on Native American issues.

More Details:


Philosopher, Author, Artist

DOB: 10/04/1979

CELL: 1-386-342-9919


DISABILITY: Schizoaffective Bipolar Type


LIMITS: Short, Cannot Gamble, Cancer survivor


logic-based reasoning, communication, situational judgment assessments, child and adult psychology assessments, strategy, foundational knowledge creation, language and code understanding and application, physical flexibility, structure assessments, creativity, teaching, writing, editing

AOS: Ethics

Philosophy of war

Political philosophy

AOC: Philosophy of mathematics

Philosophy of logic

Philosophy of language


Amazon Self-Publishing. 2010-Present.

I write fiction and philosophy. I am a best selling author.

Artist: 2012-Present.

I create art and design products that are environmentally friendly and shipped all over the world.


  • Met with Lawton Chiles to discuss the needs of at-risk women and children. Was able to get support of needed Florida programs. After I graduated high school, Chiles offered me a job in Tallahassee. I declined because I had a daughter to raise.

  • Spoke with Jeb Bush regarding at-risk women and children to garner support for needed Florida programs.

  • Wrote Op-Ed in support of Teen Parent program for Daytona Beach News Journal.

  • Wrote Op-Ed about Native American mascots for the Daytona Beach News Journal.

  • Wrote to the White House is support of stopping building of the Dakota Access Pipeline. Received a reply from President Obama.

  • Wrote an Op-Ed for the Daytona Beach News Journal about the Dakota Access Pipeline.

  • Organized a peaceful rally in Orlando, Florida for DACA recipients. Rally was televised across central Florida. I made sure the rally was peaceful and encouraged it to be legal. It turned out to be very educational for those who attended.

  • Was a Field Organizer for Working America AFL-CIO. I knocked on over 100 doors per day. I spoke with all kinds of people, learned about them, tried to find out about their lives, what they cared about, and so on.


Research Assistant, University of North Florida. 2008.

  • Edited essays for the book Reading Bernard Williams with Routledge. Routledge Press is a top publisher in philosophy, and Bernard Williams was one of the most important moral philosophers of this generation.

Teaching Assistant, University of North Florida. 2006-2008.

  • Taught Introduction to Philosophy to over 100 undergraduate students per semester.

  • Developed assessments along with the other TA.

  • Graded essays looking for informal fallacies.

  • Delivered lectures in classrooms and large lecture halls.

  • Read very broadly in philosophy because each professor I worked under taught different material.


Editorial Committee: Editorial Committee position for Al-Mukhatabat Journal, and international, trilingual philosophy journal. July, 2015-2017.  

Invited Lecturer: “New Frontiers for Indigenous Rights.” Invited lecture for an Honors Global Justice class at Stetson University on the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Guest speaker at Stetson’s Philosophy Club on political philosophy and indigenous issues. Spring, 2009. 

Credited In Sequoyah Rising by Steve Russell. Spring, 2008. 

Referee: Conference referee for the Northeast Florida Student Philosophy Conference. Fall, 2008. 

Guest Lecturer: Guest lecturer for Reasoning and Critical Thinking on Confirmation Bias. University of North Florida, Jacksonville, Florida, 2008. 

Co-Editor and Contributor: Co-editor and contributor for the Florida Student Philosophy Blog, an electronic resource for philosophy undergraduate and graduate students hosted by the University of North Florida’s Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, 2006-2010. 

Workshop Co-Developer: Developed a workshop on the topics of governmental integrity and transitional justice, Spring 2007. 

Guest Lecturer: “Martha Nussbaum’s Capability Approach and the Colonization of American Indians.” Lecture delivered to students in Feminist Ethics (Upper-level undergraduate philosophy course). Stetson University, DeLand, Florida, 2004. 

Invited Speaker: “Questioning the Metanarratives: An Explanation of Postmodernism with Emphasis on Social and Cultural Movements.” The Chiles Academy, Port Orange, Florida, 2004. 

Guest Motivational Speaker: “High School and Beyond.” Presentation delivered to middle and high school students at risk for dropping out of school. The Chiles Academy, Port Orange, Florida, 2004.


First Prize in Poetry and Prose, Stetson University, Three Years in a Row.


MA, Practical Philosophy and Applied Ethics, University of North Florida. (Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi), 2023.

BA, Philosophy and Psychology, Stetson University, 2004.

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